Thanks for dropping by the Way-Station. Though it's a new site for me I'm not a complete rookie with blogging. In fact, I've been blogging on
Wordpress for a while now but I found it was difficult for those outside the site to interact, let alone follow my blog. At any rate I'm glad you dropped in to check out the site. Gradually we'll add guest posts and hopefully cover lots of topics. I'll post some older material, along with the new. Over the course of days and weeks I hope to pick up the abysmal pace of my writing and interact more with the folks who read my material...but it's really about embarking on new paths through conversations with people like you.
The Title
I thought that since the old way stations likely saw so many different kinds of people it would be fitting for this site, especially since my hope is we interact with the full gamut of participants. Yes, participants because if you see something that initiates some feeling I'd ask that you add a comment; long or short. Ultimately it won't be me that makes this a regular destination, it will be you and those like you because you are far more interesting and much more broad in your experiences.
So thanks again for coming by and let's get started.