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There's been a lot of hubub in the media with this Occupy Wall street movement, which appears to be a whole lot of folks upset over how taxes are dispersed through the federal government's multitude of entitlement programs. I'm on deployment so it's tough for me to say who these people really are but folks back home characterize them as the "entitled" who want to solidify their spot in line to continue siphoning money that our country doesn't have.
Like any radical movement that starts, there also begins a counter movement. I'm not sure what 53% signifies but they are viral and encompassing the normally silent majority who seem to be sick of those protesters with their hands out, wanting more, but contributing little to nothing. I can relate to a lot of these people in the 53%.
I've been around a while and often heard politicians describe the 1% as being the wealthiest, elitists in our country. Today I'd offer you a look at a 1% that is neither wealthy nor elitist, in fact I submit to you that these are folks who provide the security and freedom for an American to peaceably assemble and bitch about the handouts they're not getting. This 1% has no voice of its own, depending on good Americans to speak on their behalf. This 1% is a microcosm of ethnic, social, and economic backgrounds but what binds them is a willingness to sacrifice for freedoms you can't buy with a government check, they will pay our nation's debts in blood.
For 19 years and counting, I'm proud to be the 1%. Will you speak up?
Absolutely I am the 1%!! Being vocal about the problems in this country, the injustices, and the continued boosting up of big business at the expense of the hardest working, honest folks in this country is a necessity. We must be the change!
I'm a proud member of the 1%... I raise my right hand and promise to support and defend the American People... through political uprisings, uncertain government structure and the vast population that is expressing an opinion more than taking an action to fight for what the foundation of this country was built on... I'm part of the 1% that has faith and pride in the success of my brothers and sisters in arms to continue to wake each morning with the sound mind and heart to look left and right and just know- we are making a difference... we are one.
Well said Anna---one of the most awesome troopers I've known.
I am not wealthy, or an elitist, or entitled even, but I am a tax paying American who works hard for my money. I have no debt and work hard to maintain that. Do I want the government to work well? Of course. Would I be willing to sit outside screaming for answers without presenting solutions? No. I'm a solution-based thinker, and indignation without insight is just loud whining. Well written blog post, Clemmy. :)
And you JL served honorably---you are part of the 1% and I'm grateful you dropped in to use your voice.
Honored to be the 1%
Momma Mia gets a big HOOAH!
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