Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Finding My One

Every once in a while I attempt to write something other than a simple blog post.  I felt like pulling this one out of the attic to share with you, a poem I wrote for my wife during my last deployment.  It's not something you'd ever find published but it reminds me that she is always there with me, like the beat of my heart.

Finding My One
By Tom Clementson

You ask, how can I write words that seemingly saunter
Flowing across time’s endless pages
Recounting a love of infinite ages
Over desert paths and smoke filled skies
A heart invisibly, unknowingly searched and sought
For the One, with your familiar, determined eyes

From your kind and loving words that inspired
To a longing look of primal desire
My fingers trace your cheek and deeply I taste your lips

That familiar touch and our uncounted blessings
Your soothing tones and conversational flows
Merely outline a destined match of knowing souls

Your perfect imperfections,
From the very beginning I have loved every part
Culminating to a point in my awestruck heart

Of this blessing, of your love
Comes a motivation to earn and be worthy,
Of a life lived and bound with integrity

The funny faces
And easy paces
Marks this incredible and indelible life together

Thoughts of you and so simply they come,
Heartfelt prose, borne of my pure sense of veneration
Words for all that you are, inspired by my One


Tandra said...

Fabulous sense of "warm" love, something you don't come across very often.

Melissa Andersen said...

I agree!! Absolutely beautiful Tom! You're wife is definitely one lucky woman!