Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tom's Top 10 for 2011

Most of you generally take a little time to reflect on the previous year, that’s part of the deal when you’re counting down the days and hours before the New Year parties begin.  The lists run the gambit from greatest this or most incredible that, I’m doing it my way with a top-10 all my own.

Here we are in no particular order - The 2011 Top-10 odd things I love about my wife:

Saturday, December 24, 2011

My very short wishlist

My Christmas Wish

There isn’t anything I need.  When I look at all that I have, beginning and ending with a family who loves me, I can only be thankful for the miracle they are to me.  While I miss them terribly and wish I could be home to see their smiles Christmas morning, I am confident the love and support we share will carry us all through.

There are some things I would ask for though, just a few this year:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Priceless gifts

Technology is a wonderful thing and even though it can deliver something as cool as the pictures you see here, it pales in comparison to our children.  What can I say, I have a soft spot for kids so when I get something as cool as the drawing you see here, I have to post it and share it with everyone.

I lost track of the cumulative months I've spent away from my family over the years but it's gestures like these that can give you a smile during the longest days when you're really missing home.

So a big thanks to our sever year-old patriot from South Carolina who asked his mom if she could send this to a Soldier because he didn't know any.  And yes, Soldiers like candy-canes but not too many because they could spoil your dinner.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Be Silent

I’m restless, irritable and feeling a little like being isolated for a while.  There’s so much noise in my head at the moment, barely any room for thought when I’m out in the world.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How To Live In A Drama Free Zone Using Duct Tape And A Tire Iron

Originally I thought to incorporate bailing wire into the title and content of this little rant but after thinking about it I realized there are far more applications for duct tape so that’s what we’ll work with today.  

Please take the following comments with a grain of salt but if the shoe fits then don’t be surprised when someone applies some of the tips contained herein to your person.  Having said that, I do not condone assault and battery, or any other related crime against another person, regardless of their level of stupidity.  In cases where another person’s stupidity begins to raise your blood pressure to the point of causing a “fight” reaction, simply remember that Darwinism will inevitably rectify the nuisance and you can maintain your good karma.  

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A word of thanks to some great Americans from Michigan

Every once in a while you get that piece of mail that blows your mind in a good way.  While I absolutely love the cards my wife sends, not to mention her care packages, I got a fantastic surprise in the mail today from a very unexpected address.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Another method for living

I read something interesting a while back, “Miracles come in a moment.  Be ready and willing.”

I think there is something very simple yet profound in that phrase.  Makes me think about those Black Swans; a very simple yet difficult proposition that basically challenges us to live with our peripheral view wide open because the most potentially life-changing events exists there but only for a short time.